Chi-Feng Pai 白奇峰
Title:Associate Professor
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Office:Room 472, College of Engineering, NTU
Lab: Room 329, College of Engineering, NTU
Lab homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/screamteam
2009-2014 | Ph.D. in Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University
2003-2007 | B.Eng. in MSE and B.Sc. in Physics, National Taiwan University
Aug. 2022 – Aug. 2023 | Research Scientist, TSMC
May. 2016 – May. 2022 | Consulting Research Fellow, ITRI
Aug. 2014 – Nov. 2014 | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cornell University
Nov. 2014 – Dec. 2015 | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Honors & Awards:
2016 | Young Researcher Award, Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (AUMS)
2020 | Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association Award for Young Researcher
2020 | Ministry of Science and Technology Ta-You Wu Memorial Award
Research Highlight:
My team focuses on the development of new devices for next-generation computing. In recent years, we studied the unconventional chiral exchange coupling in magnetic heterostructures for field-free magnetic random access memory applications. We also collaborated with ITRI and TSMC to develop highly-efficient SOT-MRAM at wafer-scale, to show case its potential in machine learning and neuromorphic computing technologies.
Representative publications:
- C.-Y. Hu, W.-D. Chen, Y.-T. Liu, C.-C. Huang, and C.-F. Pai*, "The Central Role of Tilted Anisotropy for Field-Free Spin-Orbit Torque Switching of Perpendicular Magnetization," NPG Asia Materials 16, 1 (2024).
- Y.-H. Huang, J.-H. Han, W.-B. Liao, C.-Y. Hu, Y.-T. Liu, and C.-F. Pai*, "Tailoring Interlayer Chiral Exchange by Azimuthal Symmetry Engineering," Nano Letters 24, 649 (2024).
- C.-Y. Lin, P.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Huang, W.-B. Liao, M.-Y. Song, X. Bao, and C.-F. Pai*, "Field-free Spin-Orbit Torque Switching via Oscillatory Interlayer Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction for Advanced Memory Applications," ACS Materials Letters 6, 400 (2024).
- M. Song, G. Chen, K. Chen, K. Chang, I. Wang, Y. Hsin, C.-Y. Lin, E. Ambrosi, W. Khwa, Y. Lu, C.-Y. Hu, S. Yang, S. Li, J. Wei, T. Y. Lee, A. Wang, M. Chang, C.-F. Pai, X. Bao, "High RA Dual-MTJ SOT-MRAM devices for High Speed (10ns) Compute-in-Memory Applications," IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) (2023).
- Y.-H. Huang, C.-C. Huang, W.-B. Liao, T.-Y. Chen, and C.-F. Pai*, "Growth-dependent Interlayer Chiral Exchange and Field-free Switching," Physical Review Applied 18, 034046 (2022).