The availability of cheap and scalable methods of producing energy is important to support humanities advancements. Sustainable sources of energy have to be developed to lessen our environmental impact. Efficient energy storage is necessary to increase our mobility.We therefore need to find new materials and develop innovative technologies to produce, convert, and store energy. The researchers in MST are committed to these goals and conduct research in the following areas:The availability of cheap and scalable methods of producing energy is important to support humanities advancements. Sustainable sources of energy have to be developed to lessen our environmental impact. Efficient energy storage is necessary to increase our mobility.We therefore need to find new materials and develop innovative technologies to produce, convert, and store energy.
The researchers in MST are committed to these goals and conduct research in the following areas:
1. Solar energy:
Efficient and scalable conversion of sun-light into electrical and chemical energy, such as photovoltaics and solar fuel.

2. Energy storage:
Cutting edge research is carried out on electrical energy storage in batteries and super-capacitors as well as hydrogen storage.
3. Artificial photosynthesis:
To meet the rising demands of global energy with reduce CO2 emission, it's necessary to develop renewable green energy technology with utilizing the most abundant solar energy and other available low cost resources. One approach to addressing this big challenge is to mimic the natural photosynthesis process via artificial photosynthesis, which harvests sunlight and reduced CO2 in presence of water, producing value added chemicals or hydrocarbons. Artificial photosynthesis is one of the future energy sources that promise an environmental friendly alternative to global fuels.

4. Thermoelectric Materials:
The thermoelectric effect refers to phenomena by which either a temperature difference creates an electric potential or an electric potential creates a temperature difference. Thermoelectric materials can be utilized to converse waste heat to electricity. Manipulating material properties through advanced processing technologies to achieve high efficiency and high performance thermoelectric material, which is one of important renewable green energy technologies.