Dun-Yen Kang 康敦彥 (Director)
OfficeRoom 506 (Location: Tseng Jiang Hall)
Lab: Ultramicroporous membrane laboratory (Location: Room 502 in Tseng Jiang Hall)
Lab homepage: https://www.mmlab-ntu.tw/
2012 | Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology
2006 | M.S. in Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University
2004 | B.S. in Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University
2021-present | Professor, National Taiwan University
2017-2021 | Associate Professor, National Taiwan University
2013-2017 | Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University
2012-2013 | Postdoc., Georgia Institute of Technology
Honors & Awards:
2023 | Professor Tsai-Teh Lai Award, TwIChE
2023 | Outstanding Research Award, NSTC
2022 | Aspiration Award (SAA Fellow) in Excellent Academic Performance, COE at NTU
2022, 2021 | Award for Exceptional Performance, NTU
2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016 | Excellent Teaching Award (6 times), NTU
2021 | LCY Young Faculty Award for Outstanding Academic Performance, TwIChE
2021 | Excellent Paper Award, TwIChE
2021 | Young Scholars' Creativity Award, FAOS
2020 | SCEJ Award for Outstanding Asian Researcher and Engineer, SCEJ
2020 | Ta-You Wu Memorial Award, MOST
2019 | MOST Young Scholar Fellowship - The Columbus Program, MOST
2019 | Excellent Mentor Award, NTU
Research Highlight:
Metal-organic framework (MOF) membranes
Membrane gas separations
CO2 capture
Representative publications:
1. Hsu, C.-H.; Yu, H.-Y.; Lee, H.J.; Wu, P.-H.; Huang, S.-J.; Lee, J.S.*; Yu, T.-Y.*; Li, Y.-P.*; Kang, D.-Y.*, Fast Water Transport in UTSA-280 via a Knock-off Mechanism, Angew. Chem. Int. ed., 2023, 62(39) , e202309874.
2. Hu, F.-H.; Chi, L.-T; Syu, G.-B.; Yu, T.-Y; Lin, M.-P.; Chen, J.-J.*; Yu, W.-Y*; Kang, D.-Y.*, Mixed-linker MOF-303 membranes for pervaporation, J. Membr. Sci. Lett., 2023, 3(2), 100053.
3. Hong, Y.-W.; Laysandra, L.; Chiu, Y.-C.*; Kang, D.-Y.*, Vacuum-Assisted Self-Healing Amphiphilic Copolymer Membranes for Gas Separation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15, 28, 34075–34086.
4. Chang, C.-K.; Ko, T.-R.; Lin, T.-Y.; Lin, Y.-C.; Yu, H.J.; Lee, J.S.*; Li, Y.-P.*; Wu, H.-L.*; Kang, D.-Y.*, Mixed-linker strategy for suppressing structural flexibility of metal-organic framework membranes for gas separation, Commun. Chem., 2023, 6, 118.
5. Kang, D.-Y.*; Lee, J.S.*, Challenges in Developing MOF-Based Membranes for Gas Separation, Langmuir, 2023, 39, 2871–2880.